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Safe Water Calgary is dedicated to working with city officials and qualified experts to ensure that our water is the safest possible given our available resources.

Our goal is to provide the most relevant, verifiable, and least biased data on the long term effects of fluoride.


Dr. Bob Dickson, Founder of Safe Water Calgary is interviewed on his involvement in Human Rights

Various individuals and groups on occasion attempt to influence City Council to re-introduce fluoridation chemicals to Calgary's water system.  Note: Airdrie, Chestermere, and Strathmore residents receive their water from Calgary.


Calgarians will be voting via plebiscite, in the upcoming civic elections on October 18, 2021, on whether to medicate their neighbours.


The Calgary water system WILL BE refluoridated UNLESS WE RALLY SUPPORT!

Safe Water Calgary has created an informational flyer to educate its citizens.


Flyer image.PNG

Dr. Bob Dickson in the Media

Featuring SWC founder Dr. Dickson

The Truth About Water Fluoridation

March 19, 2021 / Calgary, AB

VIdeo Interview


Interview by Malcom Saunders. For more visit Light Cellar Superfood, Elixir, Ferment, and Craft Chocolate shop

Featuring SWC founder Dr. Dickson

The Dark Side of Fluoride with Dr. Bob

2020 / Calgary, AB 

Featuring SWC founder Dr. Dickson

Fluoride Debate Back in Calgary

December 3, 2020

Podcast Fluoride debate back in Calgary (


Interview by Danielle Smith. For more visit Danielle Smith (

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